Handhygiëne & persoonlijke hygiëne medewerker - Geïncludeerde studies module 4.1

Author, publication year: Murguia Pérez, 2020

Included studies in the review Study characteristics Patient characteristics Intervention (I) Comparison / control (C) Follow-up Outcome measures and effect size Comments

A. Biljan, 1993
B. Burden, 2011

Type of study:
RCTs, quasi-RCT

Search date:
Not reported

Number of included studies:

Source of funding:
Not reported

Inclusion criteria:
- RCT, quasi-RCT
- health professionals with activities that involve direct contact with patients

Exclusion criteria:
- health professionals who work in intensive care units as well as personnel from the surgical and transplant areas

N total at baseline:
A. 12
B. 100

A. Long tie for three days in a week
B. Long-sleeved white coat

A. Bowtie for three days in a week
B. Short-sleeved uniform

Length of follow-up:
Not applicable.

A. Bow ties were significantly less contaminated at the end of the first working day (p=0.02), but not on the third day.
B. No difference in bacterial or MRSA meticilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (meticilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus) contamination between long-sleeved white coats or short-sleeved uniforms after 8 hours.


Author, publication year: Heudorf, 2017

Study characteristics

Patient characteristics

Intervention (I)

Comparison / control (C)


Outcome measures and effect size


Type of study:

Nursing homes


Source of funding:
Not reported

Inclusion criteria:
- Nursing home inspected by the Public Health Department

Exclusion criteria:

N total at baseline:
60 (20 per group)

Important prognostic factors:
Not reported

Group 1: external preparation of laundry
Group 2: Internal laundry service

Washed by employee at home

Length of follow-up:
Not reported

Loss to follow-up:

- No difference in level of contamination between those reprocessed by a disinfecting washing process in a certified laundry and the internal laundry service.
- Privately washed garments had higher contamination levels (p<0.01).

Per staff member a fresh gown and a used gown were analysed.